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BC Wildfires: How GNB Is Participating in the Fight

BC Wildfires: How GNB Is Participating in the Fight

The wildfire situation in British Columbia has threatened countless people this Summer and it will continue as crews fight on the ground to protect land, homes, and the people of BC. The extent of the damage cannot be understated, as this has proven to be the worst year for wildfires in six decades, the second worst in recorded history for damage to land at nearly 5000 km2 . This damage would be far in excess if not for the thousands of firefighters working through sleepless nights and constant stress to stop the spread of these fires. We are indebted to their work, and at Great Northern Bridgeworks we stand behind their efforts, pledging our support whenever we are called upon.

BC Wildfires - Construction Support | Great Northern Bridgeworks

Acting Locally to Protect Our Communities

Located in Fort St. John primarily, we make it a principle to assist forces in our region and in any capacity possible. When the fires have been contained, we are there to repair the vital infrastructure – bridges, roads, etc. – that may have been damaged during the fires. This allows life to move on after the damage is done, facilitating the constant growth our province continues to see each day. We take pride in helping our communities, showing our support through many projects, sponsorships, and assistance such as this. When people’s livelihoods are being affected by things outside of their control, we believe in stepping up to address those problems and finding a resolution along the way. As we enter August, 2017 there are 151 wildfires currently burning, so all the support and resources are essential in seeing this come to an end with people returning to their homes.

For those displaced by the fires, there are many resources available to mitigate the damage done, much of the information can be found on the provincial government’s website here.

Great Northern Bridgeworks is continuing their support of crews fighting these wildfires, and we hope you will stand with us as we encourage their work and offer our help wherever possible!